Monday, March 14, 2011

Gotta get my creativity going!!

While I was in the city yesterday, 
I stopped by the hardware store to pick up a few supplies
I bought this......

 Do you know what it is?
Well,  I have been inspired by so many of your blogs to do this,
got any ideas?..
I am sure you do..
so, taking the day off, or the afteroon anyway,
to do a little crafty thing...
will get back to you
with the results!

A tantôt


  1. Aaaah, you've been sucked into the drop-cloth vortex!! There's no return from there once you're in!!!

    I can't wait to see what you make.


  2. Love it...the drop-cloth vortex! I think I am hooked before I even start!


You can leave a comment....totally up to you....Yep, I do love it when you do!