Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bedroom RENO is on!!

Finally.... oop-a-lie  !!!!
I have been looking for a rug that I could envision using in our bedroom and
a bit had to do with colour and
a lot
had to do with budget...
so thanks to e-bay!
It all came together when I scored this wool rug on e-bay tonight....
I am loving the yellow, taupe, turquoise (which you may not see clearly in my image)
so, it is on,
bedroom reno on its way  !!
oh, yes, okay....
5.25$ plus shipping .....75.00$
yep, a whopping $80.25

À tantôt


  1. That's a beautiful rug!  Can't wait to see the reno. 

  2.  Love the rug!  I never thought to look on Ebay for rugs....

  3. What a beautiful rug.  What colour will your walls be?? 

  4. Hi Amber,
    I have been able to buy all my rugs off of ebay. If you check out the
    renovations in our kitchen you can see some of the other rugs I have bought. I
    have never paid more than 125$ Canadian for a wool persian rug on e-bay. If you
    are interested I can give you the name of the seller that I usually follow. They
    are always reasonable and they have given me great service. Of course I have no
    personal association with them....although I wish!!!...perhaps they would give
    me a deal.



  5.  Not sure yet Pamela but I am going to post some inspiration pics and get this project rolling.

  6.    Hello!  I am catching-up on your blog.  LOVE the rug.  Great buy!  I can't wait to see how you decorate your bedroom.  I like the Rachel Ashwell inspiration.  That room is sooooo pretty.

  7. Welcome back! Decisions, decisions! I am excited for the rug to arrive but
    struggling with paint colours! The height of the walls means loving the colour
    is critical...maybe I will play it safe and go white-putty? Not sure where to
    start but getting excited.




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