Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rainy days of summer

Well, I hope this is not a sign of the summer to come...
5 days into the season and
 we have had rain and more rain for the last 3 days!
I took time to finish off planting some annuals
and rubbed my eyes in continued disbelief at my lilac bush!
I have never seen it quite so lovely!
So, here is my contribution to Mosaic Monday
with my rainy jungle .....

À tantôt


  1. Beautiful lilacs. I guess the rain is good for something! I'm longing for sunny skies again.

  2. I love the flowers but for me the look of the wet wood on the deck brings a feeling of comfort. Dont understand why but it does.(smile)

  3. Your lilacs are beautiful! We had so much rain here yesterday along with severe thunder storms. And it's cool. We're all starting to mould here - just like the plants! Have a great week! Pamela

  4. It has been raining here for most of the week end too!! I love not having to face the task of watering our big yard,,,but I am ready for some sunshine! Hope the sun will shine soon!! Have a happy day...lovely photos in your Mosaic Monday post.

  5. Well girls, looks like we are experiencing similar weather. Perhaps Comeca is the lucky one...I believe you are south?
    I know what you mean Comeca by the wet wood, it has the feel of a summer lake dock to me.
    Crossing my fingers for all of you that sun is out there.

  6. Though it can be too much, I'd still always rather have rain than grass scorching sun and heat. I love the green that rain brings. Your lilacs are gorgeous.


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