Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tulips in the Winter

For me,    the sight of    tulips in the winter
 lull me into a sweet sense of spring....

I know it is only January
but adding these delicate beauties reminds me that 
spring does follow winter.

Do you buy flowers in the winter as a reminder of spring?

I am linking this to Feather Your Nest Friday ....because really, tulips are a great way to feather your nest...right??


  1. These are so pretty, and I love the delicate color of your tulips! Happy Sunday!

  2. Yes, I do. Tulips are my favourite too. Love your big lantern on the table. Have a great week Donna!

  3. LOVE tulips...especially when they start to droop over like that and the blooms get really heavy...can't wait to see them popping up in the garden!

  4. "If, of thy mortal goods, thou art bereft,
    And from thy slender store two loaves
    alone to thee are left,
    Sell one & from the dole,
    Buy Hyacinths to feed the soul"
    - Muslihuddin Sadi,
    13th Century Persian Poet

    Hyacinths were my mother's favorites. I'm quite fond of Jonquils. Tulips are a little 'stiff' for my taste.

  5. I don't usually buy flowers but if I saw some tulips I think I would splurge. Yours are so pretty. Love your lantern too!

  6. Such beauty! Thank you for sharing...I am now following your blog:-)

  7. Lovely images, tulips are so much spring for me too!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!



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