Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I will admit that it has been a long time since I have absolutely cut off all ties to the Internet....
but I did.
And, you know what?

It was great.
We hit the road last Thursday and headed home to visit family and friends.
And to remind ourselves of all that really matters....

Yes, I have some catching up to do with all of you....
reading all your missed posts....

I truly needed some time to laugh and discuss and argue and debate
with our family.

Life moves along in all the various stages.
Aging parents, growing teens, young adults, some finding it easier than others.

AND you recognize that at the end of the day we need each other
to be present,
to listen....
perhaps provide support or simply show we care.

Spend time together in some of those rooms that hold great memories from over the years...
good ones and tough ones .... but still......memories that hold us together.

We took walks around the yard, cleaning up from the remains of winter.....
and admiring the arrival of spring.

And every morning we headed to the water to walk the dogs along the edge of the bay
where we could admire the remaining snow on the ski hills and the changing blue of the water....

knowing that we would all be back here together sometime soon
to do all this again....
hmmmm..... à bientôt ma famille!!

P.S.   I am so excited to announce that Sue from Butterfly & Bungalow is going to be guest posting here  on THURSDAY .....and she will be sharing her fabulous kitchen renovation.....stunning as it is!


  1. Welcome back Donna! That is a very beautiful home with gorgeous furnishings that you were at. I'm guessing it's your family's? I'm glad you had a nice Easter and a blog break. It's worth it to get away and have some one on one interaction with family and friends isn't it. That's a lot of ski runs on those hills. It looks very beautiful. Hugs, Pam

  2. Welcome back! What a charming home. I love the library and that vase of tulips is gorgeous!

    It sounds like it was fun and interesting.

  3. Gorgeous home you spent Easter at (I presume your parent's). The first thing I noticed was the baseboards and then those gorgeous arched windows in the bay window - oh, and snowdrops and pretty view.

  4. Who needs to browse Pinterest when you are in that gorgeous home? Sometimes you have to disconnect in order to connect to the people closest to you. I'm glad you had a great, family holiday!

  5. beautiful post....glad you had some quality time with Family...Greetings

  6. Wow, that home is charming! I went through my inspiration file tonight and I discovered I have had pictures of your house in my files for years, or at least from before I blogged and before I had a blogger account to comment on blogs! Amazing how even blogland is such a small world!

  7. I completely relate. Today is my first day back on the computer/blog world after a whole week, the longest I've been gone from my blog. But for me, finding a balance means not being afraid to step away sometimes. I actually felt fine after the first few days, in fact I can't remember the last time I checked my stats. I think I was getting borderline unhealthy with it haha. Anyway, I'm glad you had such a nice time. Your posts always exude such a personal warmth, I love coming here.
    Now I'm off to do some catch up reading.
    Leslie (Gwen Moss)


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