Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My Happy List

I have been wanting to join the party that RJ hosts over at her blog Art @ Home
but I never seem to get myself organized to be there.

So, this morning I am taking time to think some positive thoughts and share my
personal happy list.

I am a big believer in positive energy and the effect it can have on you and those around you.
Just writing this list has me smiling ....

My Happy List goes like this:

3 weeks left until holidays. Holidays mean time with family and friends up in Tadoussac.
If you read my blog often you know that is one of my favourite road trips and places to be.

Holidays also mean trips home to Georgain Bay...
Nothing like a trip back to see your old stomping grounds, good memories and not so good
but a general overall dose of reality seems to sink in when you realize where you started..
It can be quite satisfying.

Okay, that takes care of the holidays,
one month only goes so far and of course throw in a lot of great dinner parties, short bike trips etc. etc. 
but ....also on my happy list..... is my trip for work next week....
to the Gaspé coast. 
I love this area of Quebec, the people, the coastline and the food.
All good.

And on a personal note for my happy list is that I am so happy that I was able to 
complete the 28 day Fast Metabolism Diet on the weekend.
Yep, 28 days where you cut out sugar, dairy, gluten, caffeine and alcohol and stick to a particular
plan of food over the course of the week.

The first week was difficult given my love of the morning coffee

but by the end of the week I was good to go.
We did have a weekend with family that caused us to go astray a bit
but we have added in another week to take care of that 
and aren't even noticing it.

So, that is it for me....
Oh yes, I am smiling and yes I am feeling quite happy....


  1. :D Thanks so much for linking-up. I admire your discipline....the caffeine would *kill* me! (or maybe I should say lack thereof)....

    Family holidays are so special. LOVE these photos!

    I'm glad you get the purpose of this link. Truly, I believe that happiness is a choice, and we shouldn't let the negative thrown at us in this life have power over us. :D


  2. Gorgeous photos. That's so nice.

    Congratulations! I've been on a diet the last month too, just a regular one though. One more month to go. I've got to lose the ten pounds I gained while not having a kitchen!

  3. Wow, congratulations. I actually had all of those items yesterday, making up for your days without. :<)

  4. No nightmare! Good for you for sticking with it! I love the Gaspe and envy your upcoming trip there. Hubby and I travelled across Canada from our home in BC 3 years ago and spent a week in the Gaspe. The scenery and the people were wonderful and I can't wait to go back. Cheers and happy travels

    1. I may break down on the caffeine thing Suzan....that might not be forever. :)

  5. It was mine for about 5 days. I am not saying I won't go back to a coffee once in awhile but perhaps not to the same intensity. :) Gotta live after all.
    I am looking forward to my trip. I love the drive!

  6. Lots to be happy for! Congrats on sticking with the diet! That's a great accomplishment.

  7. Beautiful photos Donna! I love being near the water. That diet sounds really good and I hope it works for you. I really need to cut the sugar and the dairy for me would be ice cream as I don't drink milk. I don't eat a lot of breads but gluten is in everything!! Well almost. So, good for you for sticking to this diet! There is nothing like a vacation to look forward to. We are away for almost 3 weeks in July/August too. Across the country to BC and Alberta!! I can't wait.

  8. Positive thoughts really help you go through everything, like the last weeks before the holidays!

  9. I SO believe in Positive energy ( and the downside of negative energy )
    It's powerful indeed
    Love your photos Donna -
    Have to get to Gaspe one of these days - before I finally ditch this province entirely lol

  10. You come from the Georgian Bay area and live in Québec. I come from Québec and live in the Georgian Bay area! You will be going to the Gaspé Coast for work, I will be there later on to visit family. I suppose we could say that we have covered much of the same ground in reverse order!

    1. That is so funny but at the same time not surprising. I can understand how somebody from the Gaspé coast would end up on the Bruce Peninsula. Both areas are beautiful and the thing is that looking out at the expanse of water from the shoreline on Georgian Bay you would think it was the ocean you were staring at.
      I just visited your blog...beautiful gardens!


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