Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bad luck/Good luck

Well, I posted a while back about a buffet that
I had found on kijiji....
hmmm...big disappointment....somebody else
got there first.
And then...when I went back to find the listing for
the cute little picnic basket....
well it had vanished.
Wuz up with that??
But, today I was back on kijiji and there it was!
First time they were asking 15$ but this time 5$ hesitation ...I rushed over.

 ...and look..
it is soooooo much larger than I imagined..
Oh, I cannot wait until my first warm day when I will
fill this up,
head to the lake,
with a nice bottle of wine, 
good baguette,
cheeses, paté, and
some really good cretons..not cheap but the good stuff...
mais oui....

À tantôt


  1. What a lovely picnic basket you got for $5.00! Good luck I'd say ;-) Pamela

  2. It's wonderful when things like this happen! I'm sure you will soon find another buffet!

    Hope you get to fill up the basket with goodies soon.


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