Friday, October 12, 2012

First Snowfall

I am a huge fan of that first snowfall.
You know, don't you?

That lovely day in December when you wake up with your yard all covered in snow.
And these huge stencil perfect snowflakes are falling from the sky.
 A sign that, yes, indeed....
Winter has arrived.
Wait a second.
I just checked the calendar and yes, no mistakin' it!!
It is October 12th.

And guess who is extremely pleased at this unseasonal arrival!
Yep, Jack.

À Bientôt


  1. Aggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh say it ain't so Jo, please say it ain't so, lol
    How far north ARE you?

  2. We often get our first one in October. I try to urge my whole family to get the snow tires on by October 1, but does anyone listen? :<) We've had snow on the mountains.
    I guess suzyq isn't a snow fan. I am. Loved your pictures.

  3. Holy moly, you got some serious snow today!! We are five minutes from the Ontario/Quebec border and saw a few flakes today, but nothing like this. Wow!

    Love Jack!

  4. Yuk!! It hasn't arrived here Thank Goodness. I can't wait to see it either in Dec, how about the 25th.

  5. At least Jack is happy. :) Our daughter had snow today too in Fort McMurray. She and her son played in it and he helped her shovel. Great for dogs and kids. lol Enjoy the weekend.

  6. When we were kids it was not uncommon to have snow in October. We haven't had any yet, but our weather is quite cool so it won't be long. My favourite snow is a heavy snow late in the evening, with the street lights and the snowfall making the sky seem almost pinkish. And all the neighbours out chatting and shovelling. But I can wait. Seriously, December or January would be fine.

  7. Replies
    1. I have a bad feeling about what lies ahead this winter! ;)


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